Our Covenant

Believing in God, our heavenly Father, and accepting his only begotten son Jesus Christ as our Savior, we unite in this church for worship, fellowship, study, and service, combining our energies that we may further the purposes of our Lord more effectively.

We will strive at all times to walk in the way of Christ and in every circumstance to follow his example in both outward and inner life. We will cultivate a reverent and prayerful mind and a heart attentive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

We will seek to live together in brotherly love, sharing one another's joys and burdens. We will seek constantly to commend Christ to all men by our manner of living and we accept as our privilege the sharing of the Gospel with others, in our family, our community, and our world.

We will support this church by our prayers, by our regular attendance at its services, and by our cheerful contribution of time, thought and substance.

We moreover engage that when we remove from this place, we will, as soon as possible, unite with some other church, where we can carry out the spirit of this Covenant, and the principles of God's word. These things we now covenant to do, the Lord helping us by his grace. We fervently pray that he who has begun a good work in us will be with us in all our journeys.


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Missions and Outreach

Missionaries: Carlos & Mayra Bonilla | Bill & Kristie Campbell | Ruth Fox - Regional Missionary for Education |


Abington Baptist Church continues to be blessed to have wonderfully gifted and talented servants ministering to the church and community

team member

Mark McDowell

Our Pastor

Rev. Mark S. McDowell was ordained and officially installed as the Pastor of Abington Baptist Church on November 7, 2015. Pastor Mark began serving at ABC in 2012 as the Associate Minister and took over as Pastor in January 2015.

Pastor Mark graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2006 and has served in professional ministry for more than a decade in: Christian Education, Youth Ministry, Pastoral Care & Counseling, Associate Ministry, and Senior Ministry.

Along with his wife and daughter, Pastor Mark is blessed to be a part of the family of faith that is Abington Baptist Church.

team member

Rita Carrigan

Church Administrator

Rita Carrigan joined the staff in 2012. Having a business degree didn't prepare her for the diverse position within the church but she has come to love the members of the church, the spirituality surrounding the job, along with the "be prepared for anything" nature of the job.

team member

John Silva

Pianist & Organist

Listen to our Sermons



    Leviticus 23:26-32

    "A Day for Trumpets"


    Numbers 29:1-6

    "Trials and Temptations"


    Genesis 22:1-18

Listen to More Sermons...


Abington Baptist Church was formed by the merger of Tioga Baptist Church of Philadelphia and Jenkintown Baptist Church of Jenkintown, PA on May 26, 1961. In the summer of 1959, Temple University informed Tioga Baptist Church of their plans to construct a medical research center and offered to buy the church property. After consulting the greater Philadelphia Council of Churches (PCC), Tioga was advised to relocate in Abington Township, “a fast growing area that was under-churched.”


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From 611 in Abington: Turn onto London Rd (by Target). Follow it to the end and take a left onto Shoemaker then a right onto Edmund Rd. The church is straight ahead.

1501 Huntingdon Rd. Abington, PA, 19001



(215) 884-4569